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Backhand Ground Ball Series

A backhand ground ball is any ball that is hit far enough to our throwing hand side where we cannot field in the routine fielding position with our momentum moving back towards our target. There are 3 types of backhand ground balls that we will focus on throughout our infield series.​

  1. Inside the Body Backhand

  2. Extension Backhand

  3. Full Extension

Backhand Ground Ball Overview

Backhand Ground Ball Overview

Play Video

Inside the Body Backhand

Inside the body backhand is a bounding ball hit to the throwing hand side just outside of the routine fielding position range. This ground ball is not hit far enough to extend, but slow enough that we can play through with our momentum moving back towards the infield.​

Inside the Body Backhand Overview & Fielding Position

Inside the Body Backhand Overview & Fielding Position

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Inside the Body Ground Ball Fielding Position Explained_Camp

Inside the Body Ground Ball Fielding Position Explained_Camp

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Fielding Position & Footwork:


  1. Feet are open and wider than hips

    1. The feet, hips, and shoulders will be aligned in your target direction

  2. Weight is 60-40 on back leg shifting into the lead foot as you catch the baseball

  3. Field the ball to the left of center out in front of head roughly 18-24 inches

  4. Glove Position: read the label on the top part of glove with slight flexion in the wrist

  5. Push down and through the ball while maintaining the pre-set angle of glove hand/arm

  6. Take back foot to front foot – hands/heel of glove come to center

    1. Bring hands/heel of glove to center

    2. Stride towards target with lead foot – separate hands down to the power position

  7. Restart backside and throw

Inside the Body Backhand #2: Hands Routine

This drill will be a progression-based drill routine focused on all aspects of the Inside the Body Backhand fielding position. Breaking this play down into separate isolated progressions will help each player understand the importance of each step and how they all work together to make a smooth and consistent Inside the Body Backhand play.

Inside the Body Hands Routine

Inside the Body Hands Routine

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Inside the Body Hands Routine_Camp

Inside the Body Hands Routine_Camp

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Drill Progression:

  1. Knees (push through)

  2. Back knee down, lead foot extended towards target

    1. Shift into lead foot

  3. Stationary feet (push through)

  4. Stationary feet to the power position

  5. Full Play

Hands Progression: (Repeat for steps 1-4 Drill Progression)

*Ball is fielded in an isolated position

  1. One hand (barehand) bring ball to center

One hand (glove) bring ball to center

Inside the Body Backhand #3: Full Play


This drill will provide the opportunity for players to get many repetitions at game speed while focusing on maintaining body control throughout. Each play will start with a consistent pre-pitch routine while ground balls are being hit with different distances and speeds.​

Inside the Body Backhand Full Play

Inside the Body Backhand Full Play

Play Video

Drill Progression:

*Player starts square in Pre-pitch routine

  1. One hop ground ball to right

  2. Two hop ground ball to right

  3. Multi hop ground ball to right​

Ground Ball Progression

  1. Roll ground ball from 15-20ft

  2. Short fungo ball from 25-35ft

  3. Long fungo ball from 55-75ft

Extension Backhand

The extension backhand is a ball that is hit sharply to the throwing hand side of the infielder outside of the Inside the Body range. We must extend to receive with our momentum moving away from the target. This play does not require an extra step therefore our fielding position should be with our feet open. Once the ball is received we must shift our momentum back to center and change direction rapidly to make the throw.​

Extension Backhand Overview & Fielding Position

Extension Backhand Overview & Fielding Position

Play Video

Fielding Position & Footwork:


  1. Feet are open and angled away from the infield

  2. Ball is fielded to the right of center near the lead foot

  3. Shift into lead foot as you receive the ball

  4. Hands come to center and change direction

  5. Shuffle and stride/separate hands to power position

    1. Important for hands to remain at center until the lead foot strides towards the target

  6. Restart backside and throw

Extension Backhand #1: Hands Routine


This drill will be a progression-based drill routine focused on all aspects of the Extension Backhand fielding position. Importance will be placed on maintaining body control while understanding how to sync up our lower half and our upper body as we bring the ball back to center and separate to the power position. This hands routine will consist of 4 different progressions.

Extension Backhand Hands Routine

Extension Backhand Hands Routine

Play Video

Drill Progression:

  1. Isolated knee with lead foot extended

  2. Stationary feet (shift into lead foot)

  3. Stationary feet to the power position

    1. Hands come to center and change direction

    2. Shuffle and stride/separate hands to power position

  4. Full Play (start squared up in pre-pitch routine)​

Extension Backhand Hands Routine_Camp

Extension Backhand Hands Routine_Camp

Play Video

Hands Progression: (Repeat for steps 1-4 Drill Progression)

*Ball is fielded in an isolated position outside of lead foot

  1. One hand (barehand)

  2. One hand (glove)

Extension Backhand #2: Full Play


This drill will provide the opportunity for players to get many repetitions at game speed while focusing on maintaining body control throughout. Each play will start with a consistent pre-pitch routine while ground balls are being hit with different distances and speeds.

Hands Progression: (Repeat for steps 1-3 Drill Progression) "FULL THROW"

*Ball is fielded with momentum moving towards infield

  1. Fielding position then up to Power Position "FULL THROW"


Ground Ball Progression

  1. Roll ground ball from 15-20ft

  2. Short fungo ball from 25-35ft

  3. Long fungo ball from 55-75ft

Drill Progression:

*Player starts square in Pre-pitch routine

  1. One hop ground ball to right

  2. Two hop ground ball to right

  3. Multi hop ground ball to right​

Full Extension Backhand

The full extension backhand is a ball that is hit sharply to the throwing hand side. The Full Extension Backhand will be outside of both the Inside the Body Backhand and Extension Backhand plays. This play WILL require and extra step due to the distance you will be fielding the ball away from your body.

Full Extension Backhand Overview & Fielding Position

Full Extension Backhand Overview & Fielding Position

Play Video
Extension & Full Extension Backhand Ground Ball Overview Explained_Camp

Extension & Full Extension Backhand Ground Ball Overview Explained_Camp

Play Video

Fielding Position & Footwork:


  1. Feet are crossed over – glove hand foot outside of throwing hand foot angled away from the infield

  2. Shift into the lead foot as you receive the ball

  3. Catch the ball outside of lead foot with head out over the glove

    1. Remain in an athletic position low to the ground

  4. Hands come to center – change direction

    1. Throwing hand foot step continues in the direction you are moving while gathering weight

  5. Stride/separate hands to power position

  6. Restart backside and throw

Full Extension Backhand #1: Hands Routine


This drill will be a progression-based drill routine focused on all aspects of the Full Extension Backhand fielding position. We must focus on maintaining body control throughout the entire play while understanding how to gather momentum on the backside. Changing directions quickly and efficiently will allow for us to consistently make strong/accurate throws on the Full Extension Backhand play.

Full Extension Backhand Hands Routine_Camp

Full Extension Backhand Hands Routine_Camp

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Drill Progression:


  1. Isolated knee with lead foot extended

  2. Stationary feet

  3. Stationary feet to the power position

  4. Full play to the power position

  5. Full Play (start squared up in pre-pitch routine)

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